Monday, November 16, 2009

Shaquille O’Neal’s wife of seven years has filed for legal separation

Shaquille O’Neal filed for divorce in 2007, but it is assumed because there is a prenuptial agreement the couple decided to remain together.  Recently his wife, Va’Shaundya O’Neal filed for a legal separation based on  irreconcilable differences as grounds for the split.  She is seeking spousal support for Shaunie O’Neal and custody of the couple’s four children, who range in age from three to nine years-old.

Her petition mentions she intends to amend her filing to seek a divorce.  It is assumed she needs more time before actually filing for a divorce or just maybe she wants to get the right attorney to make sure she gets enough financial support, because a prenuptial agreement is a very serious document.

Celebrity news website revealed the  Shaquille and his family had been living in Florida. However, Va’Shuandya recently pulled the children out of school relocated with them back to Los Angeles, hoping she would have a better chance of child and spousal support.

When a man like Shaquille O’Neal has a prenuptial agreement, it would be smart for a wife to start up some sort of a business, so in case anything like this should occur,  there would be no hesitation to divorce.  There are many wives who are married to wealthy men, but not wealthy themselves.
Wives who are rich are those who are wise to have their own money, although their rich husbands seem generous while they are together.  Time and time again, for many years, we have seen celebrity wives left with barely enough to survive, especially if it was not for their child support.  The only celebrity wife was the ex-wife of Russell Simmons, Kimora Lee Simmons who has her own empire, Baby Phat clothing line, perfume and although it was cancelled, she had her own reality show, Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane”.

Although, Kimora Lee Simmons was said to disrespect and bully the executive staff of the television network and lost the show, she still had her own show, one of her income streams.  If you ever are blessed to marry a rich man, be smart and start your own thing, because the average millionaire or billionaire most likely will have a prenuptial agreement and you may not be left with only a very small percentage of his wealth.

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